For the first time in its more than forty year history, The Reiki Alliance (TRA) held its annual conference virtually.
Nearly 200 Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Masters gathered on Zoom with interpreters for eight languages. Nearly around the clock from April 30 through May 2, program activities in three time zone blocks (the Americas, Europe, and Australasia) celebrated the conference theme, “Heart to Heart.”
I had the honor of being on the TRA’s Americas Time Zone Team with San Francisco Reiki Master Christorpher Tellez and New York City Reiki Master Anu Butani. Together with our Board liaison Eileen Sakai, we co-created activities activities to take place in North, Central, and South American time zones.
For me it felt like a personal call to enter through a new gateway, a portal for action to unite TRA members for the future of Reiki. I must admit, with a smile on my face, I accepted this grand opportunity without fully understanding what would be necessary.
I did comprehend from the start that this exceptional task called for supportive team members on each of the three Tine Zone Teams (TZTs)—Reiki Masters who shared the same vision for a virtual conference that would bring together TRA members around the world in a sacred space of love. And so it began.
Wondrous events unfolded prior to the conference as the TZTs worked around the clock to co-create activities to manifest profound global revelations and inner illuminations. Each TZT created from their strengths, developing programming to blossom from their many assets. And the abundance of “Yeses!” each TZT received never ceased to amaze and delight me as we all reached out to our international communities in making the conference activities available to attendees.
Through the 2021 TRA Annual Conference I discovered it is a thin veil between physical realms and mystical dimensions–those realms where we live and experience but perhaps cannot explain in words.

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